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Kansari Pipes

Quality Management Policy

  • Scrutinizing at every stage from procurement of raw material to final product delivery.
  • Intensive Research and Development for continuous improvements in the quality of the product.
  • Upgrading the infrastructure with the latest type of equipments as per the latest industry norms.
  • Emphasis on the training and mentoring of the staff to keep up their morale and knowledge.
  • Conducting internal audits and improvement of the quality control systems.
  • We believe that our growth is inevitable as we welcome criticism and appreciation from our customers equally.
Kansari Pipes

Quality Objectives

KANSARI PVC PIPES is quality driven. We lay strong emphasis on the policies about quality control which sets a performance goal for the management too. Here is a glimpse of the same-

    • All essential steps to ensure that there is a reduction in the no. of defects.
    • Comparisons are good if done productively. We keep ourselves updated about the service and product quality of our competitors.
    • Intensive research and development to increase the durability of products.
    • Keep customer satisfaction as the index to measure quality for products and services.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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