Strong Tradition

management of seasoned professionals in the industry, continues its remarkable journey.

Perfect Quality

We manufacture top-notch PVC UPVC pipe products for the niche markets in India and abroad.

Product Diversity

From uPVC Column Pipes, Borewell Casing Pipes, SWR Pipes, Irrigation pipes we bring a wide range of products

Flawless Material

bound to reinstate the promise of world-class products to ensure durability and reliability.
1 +
Satisfied Clients

Golden years we’ve passed!

We are Kansari PVC Pipes

We are committed towards constant innovations in plumbing, irrigation and sewerage technologies.

Manufacturer, Wholesaler & Trader of an optimum quality array of PVC Pipe, UPVC Pipe, PVC Boring Pipe, Blue PVC Casing Pipe, Rigid PVC Pipe, SWR PVC Pipe, Irrigation UPVC Pipe, Agricultural UPVC Pipe

Kansari Pipes

Our Impeccable Product Range

Kansari Pipes

Best PVC Pipe Manufacturer in India

Established in the year 2011, We “Rekha Polypipes” re considered amongst the topmost Manufacturer, Wholesaler & Trader of an optimum quality array of PVC Pipe, UPVC Pipe, PVC Boring Pipe, Blue PVC Casing Pipe, Rigid PVC Pipe, SWR PVC Pipe, Irrigation UPVC Pipe, Agricultural UPVC Pipe and many more. Our claim to success is hallmarked by the offered quality products that gained us huge recognizance. We are working towards development through a determined team of people to meet the most stringent requirements of customers and become leaders of tomorrow.

kansari pvc pipes in uttar pradesh
Kansari Pipes

Topmost Manufacturer, Wholesaler & Trader of an optimum quality array of PVC Pipe, UPVC Pipe

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